Haunted Manor FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
General Admission $25 per person, all ages.
FAST PASS Timed Ticketing $35 per person, all ages.
Doors open at 7pm. See our schedule for exact dates and times.
Cash, Credit or debit card, NO CHECKS
Tickets available ONLINE OR DOOR – NO REFUNDS
Do you offer discounts?
No, we do not offer discounted pricing. We use a portion of the proceeds for this and all events held here to support the funding for fresh water wells in Kenya Africa. Skellington Manor LLC helps support Fishers of Men Ministry’s mission to bring fresh water to families in need. We are Creeps that Care!
Can I bring children?
Parental Discretion is advised. We try and present a very realistic environment that may be disturbing for those of an impressionable age. But it will vary with the individual. Only YOU know what is best for your child.
Do you use fog or strobe lights in your haunt?
Yes. Warning signs are posted at the doors.
Can I bring my cell phone?
Anything lost within the haunt will be collected at the evening’s end and available at the ticket booth the following night. Good rule, if you don’t want to lose it… don’t bring it!
Photo Ops will be available in the wait area or outside.
Is there a refund policy?
We are open rain or shine. All Sales are final. NO REFUNDS
How can I get additional information?
If your questions are not answered here contact us at owners@skellingtonmanor.com