The Paying It Forward Foundation is dedicated to funding water projects in Kenya, Africa and throughout the world. With a collaboration between Fishers of Men Ministries, Skellington Manor, and Terror At Skellington Manor we are bringing an awareness to this urgent need. Together we will raise the necessary funds to complete fresh water well projects.
The goal of the Paying It Forward Foundation is to help those people who are in desperate need of assistance. We want to educate and teach others that with there help we can make a huge impact on the health and well being of tens of thousands of people in Kenya, Africa “One Well At A Time”.
It is important to remember just what effect bringing clean water to people who otherwise have none or realistically have little or no chance of finding any. Once you remove the need to find fresh water to any struggling society a completely new life opens up. Think about it. They no longer need to spend several hours a day searching/traveling to some type of water source miles from there home. There families will no longer be forced to drink contaminated water year after year.
An almost immediate change that occurs is a significant decrease in water born diseases throughout the area where the wells have been located. A more remarkable fact is that infant mortality has been shown to drop as much as 75% when there is fresh water regularly available. Other changes that occur in the area where fresh water has been established, economic development takes hold. Crop production, increases in live stock…..Commerce happens. Now with fresh water readily available fruit trees can now be planted. The significant profits from being able to establish fruit trees help fund future growth within these villages. Health clinics, schools, churches, etc. can now be built. What a wonderful, heartwarming life changing/saving event to be a witness to. All from a glass of water,
truly a Blessing!
Please come join with us to start up another fresh water well project. With your help we can do more than give someone a fish. Together let’s teach many how to fish. By this act of love and compassion you can save countless lives. It is never to late to help. Come experience a miracle that will unfold right before your eyes.
For more info on how you can help please contact Michael Steen at 563-570-3731 or email owners@skellingtonmanor.comWe appreciate your support!